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ThemaMassoth Dimax Zentrale3 Beiträge
AutorWilc8o A8., NL-Gelderland-Achterhoek / Niederlande306003
Datum03.03.2009 09:19      MSG-Nr: [ 306003 ]2701 x gelesen

Hi Pius,

Schau mal nach auf: > USA Flagge

Neu für euch in der USA: Massoth Dimax 1210z ohne Netzteil, weitere Leistungen wie 1200z.
DiMAX 1210Z Central Station
This unit is custom designed to fulfill the needs of the American market.
Please note that the DiMAX 1210Z is sold in the US only.

The DiMAX 1210Z Digital Central Station is a favorable alternative since it is built on the same technical properties as the DiMAX 1200Z. Up to 8 Amps driving current without an integrated transformer allows using the 1210Z for all scales from Z to G. Input Voltage: 16 to 24 Volts DC or 12 to 18 Volts AC. The current output can be adjusted to 4, 7, or 12 Amps. This option is desirable for smaller scales.


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 02.03.2009 22:12 , NL-Gelderland-Achterhoek angedampft...
 03.03.2009 09:19 , NL-Gelderland-Achterhoek
 03.03.2009 19:50 , Belleville
 03.03.2009 22:19 , NL-Gelderland-Achterhoek


Massoth Dimax Zentrale - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt