
RubrikGartenbahn-Forum zurück
ThemaOm Fama, Roco, Alpinline in the garden8 Beiträge
AutorHein8z F8., Solingen / NRW310866
Datum11.03.2010 20:22      MSG-Nr: [ 310866 ]6906 x gelesen

Hey John, hey Wilfried,
I postet a thread here, maybe it was 2007. In the meantime I started a test for over one year. It was an simple loop without switches in a high of about 80cm. Track was Peco 0e/0n30, locos and rolling stock mostly Bachmann. Trains run perfect.
I scrapped the "line" in autum 2008 for building a complete railroad in 2009 - but to much work and I hope start building this year.
I also ride an 20,3 railroad outdoor.

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 10.03.2010 23:25 , LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK
 11.03.2010 15:06 , Jena
 11.03.2010 19:21 , LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK
 11.03.2010 20:22 , Solingen
 11.03.2010 20:13 , Datteln
 13.03.2010 07:25 , LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK
 13.03.2010 11:39 , Jena
 13.03.2010 12:15 , Datteln


Om Fama, Roco, Alpinline in the garden - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt